What Are The Rewards Of Reading Surah Waqiah Every Day?


In the realm of Islamic practices and rituals, Surah Waqiah holds a special place for many devout Muslims. This chapter of the Quran, with its deep spiritual significance and numerous rewards, has become an integral part of the daily routine for countless believers around the world. I want to explore the reasons behind my commitment to reciting Surah Waqiah daily and delve into the profound benefits of doing so. I read the Arabic and the English translation of the Surah. I find this translation of the Quran, Quran in English to be very clear and easy to understand. Additionally, I will touch upon the importance of small, consistent good deeds in the light of Islamic teachings and Hadiths.

The Significance of Surah Waqiah

Surah Al-Waqiah, the 56th chapter of the Quran, is a powerful and spiritually enriching surah that holds numerous blessings for those who recite it regularly. It is a chapter that emphasises the importance of reflection on the realities of this world and the hereafter. One of the primary reasons I read Surah Waqiah every day is because of its spiritual and worldly benefits. Let's delve into these benefits and the guidance provided by Hadiths.

1. Wealth and Sustenance

One of the most well-known benefits of reciting Surah Waqiah is its potential to increase one's wealth and sustenance. In a Hadith reported by Ibn Masood (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever recites Surah Al-Waqiah every night, poverty will never come to him." This Hadith highlights the miraculous power of Surah Waqiah to ward off financial difficulties and secure sustenance for those who recite it with sincerity and consistency.

2. Protection from Poverty

In another Hadith, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised his companions, saying, "Recite Surah Waqiah every night to avoid becoming one of the people of poverty." This reinforces the idea that consistent recitation of Surah Waqiah serves as a shield against poverty and financial hardship.

3. Entry into Paradise

Surah Waqiah contains verses that vividly describe the blessings of Paradise and the rewards awaiting the righteous. Reciting this surah daily can serve as a reminder of the ultimate goal for believers - to attain eternal bliss in Paradise. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever recites Surah Al-Waqiah every night will never face poverty. They will be among the people of Jannah (Paradise)." This Hadith underscores the immense spiritual benefit of consistently reciting Surah Waqiah.

4. Intercession on the Day of Judgment

Reciting Surah Waqiah is believed to grant believers a special intercession on the Day of Judgment. In a Hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Masood, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Whoever recites Surah Al-Waqiah every night will have an intercessor for him on the Day of Judgment." This intercession is a profound blessing that can potentially save one from the trials and tribulations of the Hereafter.

Small Good Deeds: Consistency and Rewards

In Islam, small good deeds are highly encouraged and valued. The practice of consistently performing these small acts of kindness and worship can lead to immense rewards, both in this world and the Hereafter. Here are some key benefits and insights into the significance of small good deeds based on Islamic teachings and Hadiths:

1. Consistency is Key

Consistency in performing small good deeds is emphasized in Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Do good deeds properly, sincerely, and moderately, and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise and that the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even though it were little." This Hadith underscores the importance of regularity in small good deeds, regardless of their size.

2. Multiply Your Rewards

Small good deeds can accumulate and multiply over time. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized this in a Hadith, stating, "The deeds most loved by Allah are those done regularly, even if they are small." By consistently performing small good deeds, one can earn Allah's love and multiply their rewards manifold.

3. Character Building

Small good deeds contribute to the development of a righteous and compassionate character. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "The best of deeds is that which is done consistently, even if it is small." These deeds shape our character and lead to personal growth and spiritual enrichment.

4. Acts of Kindness

Acts of kindness, no matter how small, have a positive impact on society and individuals. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) encouraged helping others and practising kindness regularly. He said, "Spread peace, feed the hungry and pray at night while people are sleeping, and you will enter Paradise in peace." These small acts of kindness can bring joy and relief to those in need and earn immense rewards from Allah.


Incorporating the daily recitation of Surah Waqiah into my routine has been a spiritually enriching experience, and I have witnessed its profound benefits firsthand. From the assurance of financial stability to the hope of intercession on the Day of Judgment, the rewards of consistently reciting Surah Waqiah are abundant and life-changing.

Furthermore, the importance of small good deeds should not be underestimated. These acts of kindness and worship, when performed regularly and with sincerity, can lead to immense rewards, personal growth, and a righteous character. As we strive to follow the teachings of Islam, let us remember the words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and make a commitment to perform small good deeds consistently, for they are beloved to Allah and have the power to transform our lives for the better.

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