About Farhat
A little about me: I live in the UK. Before I was a Muslim writer, I was a high school English teacher. I grew up in London and have lived all over the UK. I began creating Islamic parenting resources in 2008 via The Muslim Sticker Company; the website is now called www.farhatamin.com.
I graduated from The UCL Institute of Education in 2009 and decided to leave full-time teaching in 2015 to spend more time with my family. Alhamdulilah, I now work from home. When I’m not writing I’m gardening!
My books and courses promote Islamic family values to young Muslim women. I amplify the Islamic alternative to feminism and promiscuity, and Alhamdulilah, it's working! What strategies am I using to achieve these sacred aims?
Self-published books promoting hijab - Hands Off Our Hijab
Courses critiquing feminism and Hook-up culture - Pre-Marriage Course For Muslims and Islam & Feminism
Self-published books promoting marriage - Smart Single Muslimah, a best seller in Malaysia
Currently writing a book and workbook challenging Qawm Lut/ LGBTQIA+ lifestyle to Muslim youth - Smart Teenage Muslimah and Smart Teenage Muslimah workbook
The response to my work among Muslim parents has been very positive, and the popularity of my books illustrates young Muslimahs want more Islamic guidance. Alhamdulilah, I have been sharing my know-how with Muslim women for over 20 years! My inspiration has been Surah Asr:
"By Time. The human being is in loss. Except those who believe, and do good works, and encourage truth, and recommend patience.”
Inshallah, my intention is to intelligently question the views we hold about ourselves and our relationships. My approach is to debunk many of the modern tropes about womanhood.
I invite you to share the reward of promoting Islamic values to young Muslimahs. I cannot continue doing this essential work on my own. I need your help. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Whoever calls to guidance will have a similar reward to those who follow him." (Sahih Muslim)
Your contribution will go directly towards:
Designing, translating and distributing the Smart Teenage Muslimah book and Smart Teenage Muslimah Workbook
Producing and promoting Islamic podcasts challenging LGBTQIA+ and feminism.
The creation of an Islamic Sex Education Course for Muslim teenagers.
Donate now to protect our daughters from the corrupting influence of immoral liberals and prevent our daughters from discarding the wisdom of the Quran and Sunnah. The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Charity does not decrease wealth." (Sahih Muslim)