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“Comprehensive and honest marriage guide…”
Book reveiw by @thebookjacket
Why is marriage going out of fashion?
A modern-day truth universally acknowledged is that a single woman in possession of a good fortune is in no need of a husband. Society is drip-feeding us a ‘do what makes you happy’ mantra about falling in love. Popular culture tells us we should meet someone by getting to know them through dates, texting, and flirting. Once we do that for a few years, we have the option of marriage or remaining as ‘partners.’ It’s peculiar how society teaches single people to desire sex without commitment. But how is this recipe for romance working out for Muslim women?
Is getting married the halal way too difficult?
Unfortunately, we are living in a time where the Islamic concept of marriage is being taken off the menu. Many single Muslimas are finding it extremely difficult to get married. Our friends, sisters, nieces, and daughters are facing this problem. They are unhappy with the confusing expectations piled on them by western liberals and eastern unislamic culture. And for some, the feeling of hopelessness is consuming them as they have to face the real possibility that they may never get married.
So how can we begin to address this problem?
Rather than blame men or women for this situation. I want to offer a new perspective. In the book, I want to explore the ideas that are creating this problem in Muslim communities. I think we are collectively suffering because we have adopted ideas about love, marriage, and relationships that are alien to Islam. Individualism, racism, nationalism, colonialism, and feminism are the main culprits. Secondly, what tools exist in our Quran and Sunnah that help us deal with the feeling of hopelessness.
We don’t need to ape the Tinder culture of non-Muslims, a culture that has created a generation of sex-obsessed commitment-phobes. We need to simply accept the guidance of our Creator:
“This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion” (5:3)
It’s time to return to Allah’s Guidance
Ali reported: The Messenger of Allah (saw), said to me, “Say: O Allah, guide me and direct me.” (Muslim)
Allah has blessed us with revelation that ensures both genders gain love, pleasure, and tranquillity. Guidance that ensures co-operation between men and women and reduces from people’s minds the dominant notion of sex. There are numerous hadith teaching us to view each other as brothers and sisters who support and cooperate with each other.
Abu Musa reported: The Messenger of Allah (saw), said, “Verily, the believers are like a structure, each part strengthening the other,” and the Prophet clasped his fingers together. (Bukhari)
Inshallah, the book will outline how we should adopt a smart Islamic approach to relationships and follow the prophetic principles that will help us change our habits and attitudes about getting married.