Hijabistan Book Review with Sahar from @bookifiction


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Alhamdulilah I have the pleasure of speaking to Sahar again, she has a bookstagram page called bookifiction where she posts reviews of her latest reads. It's an excellent resource if you want ideas for books to read. In the epidsode Sahar reviews the book Hijabistan.

Smart Single Muslimah

Why has it become so difficult for Muslim women to get married? Are you unhappy with the confusing expectations piled on you by western liberals and eastern unislamic culture? Rather than blame men or women for this situation. Farhat Amin offers a new perspective.

She explores the ideas that are creating this problem. Single Muslimahs are suffering because we have adopted ideas about love, marriage, and relationships that are alien to Islam. Individualism, racism and feminism are the main culprits. Secondly, what tools exist in the Quran and Sunnah that help women deal with the feeling of hopelessness.

Inshallah, the book will outline how we should adopt a smart Islamic approach to relationships and follow the prophetic principles that will help us change our habits and attitudes about getting married.

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