How the liberal media brainwashes us about Afghanistan
Podcast explores are we judging the actions of the Taliban using an Islamic lens or are we allowing the liberal media that applauded the occupation of Afghanistan to shape our views. In the past, as a government, the Taliban did not implement Islam comprehensively. Islam does allow girls and women to get an education and work. An Islamic government is so much more than just public punishments. The Ottoman state was the last example of an Islamic government that comprehensively implemented the Economic, Educational, Social and Judicial systems of Islam and women thrived in Ottoman society, because they could attain the rights given to them by Allah.
However, the liberal media disingenuously paints a picture, that the Taliban represents Islam. Some aspects of Islam they implement correctly and we should not criticize them for that i.e. just because they are not in line with liberal values. But when they are not applying Islamic law correctly we should point that out. Every Muslim country picks and chooses what Islamic laws they want to follow i.e. Saudi, Pakistan, Iran etc. The Taliban are no different.
Tragically, on 7th October 2001, the US-led invasion and destruction of Afghanistan began. They arrogantly named it “Operation Enduring Freedom”. The US invasion began with a series of “carpet bombing” campaigns. Over the next nearly two decades the invasion led to a political, economic and moral vacuum that gave rise to widespread corruption and abuse of the vulnerable documented with shattering effect in countless reports.
In December last year, in a series of previously classified interviews, U.S. officials acknowledged that the “war” had failed, that top officials had consistently misled the public about their “successes”, and that Washington had wasted billions on the campaign.
Although official reports say that almost 150000 civilians have died in Afghanistan since 2001, death counts have featured a politicisation of figures. However, on-the-ground research by the independent organisation Physicians for Social Responsibility suggests that the total Afghan death toll due to the direct and indirect impacts of the US-led invasion are well over 220 000, men, women and children. Millions have been displaced. (Source Cage
The liberal media is bias ( just remember how they report about the occupation of Palestine) they don't want us to focus on the terror the US/UK led coalition inflicted on the Muslims of Afghanistan. Instead, they pretend to care about the rights of women in Afghanistan, as if they took care of the women during their 20yr occupation. Inshallah, let's be more discerning and intelligent and base our views on objective facts rather than imperialist propaganda.
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Why has it become so difficult for Muslim women to get married? Are you unhappy with the confusing expectations piled on you by western liberals and eastern unislamic culture? Rather than blame men or women for this situation. Farhat Amin offers a new perspective.
She explores the ideas that are creating this problem. Single Muslimahs are suffering because we have adopted ideas about love, marriage, and relationships that are alien to Islam. Individualism, racism and feminism are the main culprits. Secondly, what tools exist in the Quran and Sunnah that help women deal with the feeling of hopelessness.
Inshallah, the book will outline how we should adopt a smart Islamic approach to relationships and follow the prophetic principles that will help us change our habits and attitudes about getting married.
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